Users Are asked to please respect the opinions and posts of each user. Any inappropriate posts will be responsibly dealt with by the administrators or moderators of this message board.
Views expressed on the board are not necessarily the views of the staff of the ClarkSpace and may or may not represent the ideals of this board.
Users of this board are subject to legal prosecution as a consequence of any degrading information or statements posted on this board.
Users are required to give due respect to the decisions of the staff of the board and failure to do so may result in termination of his/her account & blocking of access to the board.
You private information will not be shared with any 3rd party research sites or organizations.
In the event of illegal hacking activity via the host of this site, the board and its staff are immune from legal prosecution as a result of the consequence of this activity.
We plead that members of the board respect the privacy of members of the Moss-Clark family & that no sensitive information will be relayed to fellow board members without relative consent.
There will be no form of spamming, advertising or marketing of 3rd party products or organizations on the board without written consent of an administrator.
The calendar feature will be used to host upcoming Clark Events, birthdays or other events in the gospel community.
This board is independently managed and does not necessarily reflect the decisions of individual Moss/Clark Family Ministries.
All media that may be sexually suggestive contain crude language or breach any of the above rules WILL be removed from the board. Related users account may be deleted based on staffs discretion.
Regarding ALL copyrighted material
Redistribution copyrighted material, circulate illegal copies of media and/or lend discs for replication is illegal and does not support those involved in the ministry especially the artist.
Carrying out any of these actions approximates stealing. Applicable laws provide severe civil penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution and digital transmission of all copyrighted material.
Breach of these conditions are prohibited on this message board and user's found carrying out these actions, will have IP addresses searched and reviewed for further investigational purposes.
Breach of these rules will entitle users to 1 (ONE) warning before account deactivation.